Curing Hpv Genital Warts: STD Warts

Posted by The Popular News Today on Sunday, September 18, 2011

By James Melbourne

Since they're a STD warts might be really awkward and also difficult to eliminate. You have got to be cautious when you've got genital warts, they can propagate really simply from individual to individual. It was not till not too long ago that remedies were created to manage the warts as well as stop them from ever coming back.

Unlike Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), genital warts can be difficult to trace in some people - there have been known cases where a person does not show any outward signs of having contracted the virus. They may, unknowingly, pass on the infection to an unsuspecting partner. It has to be noted that this is a highly contagious infection that can be transferred through a single contact. No matter which option is offered to you or taken up, all treatment for genital-warts have the same objectives: Curing HPV genital warts - To rid the area of genital-warts. To ensure they do not have their 'roots' left behind. To have consistent, effective follow-up to guarantee a genital wart-free environment permanently.

The options for treatment include surgery, cyrotherapy, immunotherapy, topical chemicals or anti-viral medications. Often, penis warts can be treated right in the doctor's office. Cyrotherapy - Your doctor will spray your warts with liquid nitrogen and they will freeze off. This can be done in the office. TCA, or trichloracetic acid - The doctor will apply this solution to the warts. Cutting off warts - Your doctor can actually cut them off the day you come in. Electrocautery - The doctor uses an electrical current to burn them off.

Laser therapy - For severe cases, your doctor may opt to use a laser to remove the warts. This is expensive and cannot be done at every medical facility. It is often used when nothing else works. There are also treatments that your doctor can prescribe and you can do at home. This is usually in the form of a topical cream like imiquimod or podofilox. With these, you have to put it on every day for a certain number of weeks. These solutions are often the most convenient and comfortable because you can do them at home.

Less dangerous medication for treating genital warts can be done from home, with some warning of possible side effects. These include podofilox, which has a high success rate of curing genital warts and prevention. Another genital-warts cream is the Efudex, which is a cream for long term use and may unfortunately cause some side effects for most people. It also has a slight burning sensation when applied. A new genital-warts cream introduced is imiquimod or Aldara. While effective, it has been reported that there will be some skin irritation after application. Given the unattractive scenario that comes after a genital-warts diagnosis, it comes as no wonder that prevention is the best cure. A change of lifestyle will help prevent genital-warts from recurring. Each time there is the temptation to throw caution to the wind, remind yourself of the hideous lesions that a result of contracting the HPV. That, in itself, should be enough to deter you from falling by the wayside.

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