It Works Wrap Does It Truly Work?

Posted by The Popular News Today on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

By Gina Taylor

Unless you've been living in a cave, by now you have almost certainly heard about that crazy wrap thing. The It Works Body Wrap has been featured at the Emmy's, tweeted by celebrities, worn by NFL players and the list goes on. Every day folks that have yet to try it, are interested in knowing what is and if it truly works. Well it just so happens that I got a box of 4 It Works wraps and tried it out for myself.

The first time I did it was on a Friday night. I took a hot shower and committed the biggest what not to do's. I used my favorite Bath and Body Works sugar scrub (it has natural moisturizing oils in it which can clog the pores). I slapped the wrap on my tummy and put Saran around it just like I had seen in the Youtube videos. Then I put on my robe, popped some popcorn, poured myself a glass of Stella Rose (you shouldn't drink alcohol when wrapping) and turned on the lifetime movie channel.

I had no idea almost everything that I did was wrong. I gulped alcohol and chowed down on buttery popcorn. I didn't measure myself. I didn't take any pictures. I didn't even drink water! Anyway, 2 Lifetime movies later I removed the wrap. OMG! It looked like the skin on my stomach had been polished or revitalized or something. It didn't look that much smaller to me but it looked different. It looked considerably better. My stretch marks were just about gone. I went online to do some more research and that's when I found out I had done it all wrong. I thought whoa, imagine if I'd done everything right. How would my stomach look then. According to my research I couldn't do another wrap for 3 days but I also learned that if I drank a lot of water during that period of time I would probably see more changes in my belly. This was so exciting to me.

The next morning when I looked over myself in the mirror I started screaming. It was like my little kangaroo pouch had gone away overnight. I had very slight traces of where my stretch marks had been. If it was age appropriate I would've put on a midriff top and strutted my stuff at the grocery store. I called my BFF Lisa and told her "get your butt over here right now, I got something for you". As soon as she got to my house I showed her my tummy and said it's your turn. I wrapped her so fast she didn't even have time to say anything. I didn't have a measuring tape we took pictures with her cellphone. She drank two bottles of water and we shopped for swimsuits online.

Lisa's results were even better than mine and it was very observable especially in the pictures. She texted her sister and sent the pictures and her sister wanted to be wrapped too. I only had a box of 4 so this would leave me with just two. Lisa's sister came by and brought their cousin with her. That's when the light bulb went off in my head and I heard the cha-ching of a cash register. I knew that I had gotten a hold to an incredible product that I could share with my circle of family and friends that would bring smiles to their faces and money to my wallet! In place of buying more wraps, I became a distributor that day and enrolled my best friend Lisa, her sister, and their cousin. We started our very own wrap club. The It Works Body Wrap really does work. The real name for it is actually the Ultimate Body Applicator. It works even better when you really know what you are doing. Now that I know. I'll share with you.

Where To Get The Applicator

Always get your wraps from an It Works Distributor. Do not buy from Ebay or Amazon. The wraps sold on those sites are sold against company policy and may be dysfunctional in some way. To avoid any problems and to ensure that your product is high quality, order directly from a distributor. That way you know the product is the real deal straight from the company. The distributor I initially ordered from I found online through her blog. I called her and I purchased directly from her It Works website and joined her team as a distributor. You can also get the product at a wrap party from a distributor. The point that I'm putting an emphasis on is always get your products from a distributor!

How To Get Amazing Results

1. Do NOT use the product while exercising, in times of activities that lead to sweating, if you are pregnant or breast feeding, while drinking alcohol or during your menstrual cycle.

2. Target just one large area of your body at a time. Be sure to use subsequent wraps on that target area until desired results are received. How often to use: Use one applicator every 72 hours until desired results (for ?maintenance use, apply once a month.)

3. It is very critical that the pores in the area to be wrapped are open and the area is clean, dry, & free of lotions. This means do not use any moisturizing oil based soaps or lotions just before wrapping as these usually clog pores. You ought to take a hot shower or bath before wrapping or you can take a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel or rubbing alcohol and purge the area good, exfoliate and open pores.

4. Drinking 1/2 your body weight (ounces) in water optimizes results and assists in helping the toxins to exit the body and also helps you NOT to experience bloating after using the applicator. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, then drinking 75 ounces of water (about 5 bottles of water). The wraps continue to work for 72 hours so it will be important to continue to drink water during this time.

5. While the wraps are formulated to work in 45 minutes, the longer you leave it on, the better the results. My top method is to bathe at night...and then apply the wrap right before bed time and then just sleep in it. Take it off in the morning, rub in any remaining solution on the skin and don't shower until later that day or night.

What To Expect When You Wrap

The Ultimate Applicator is highly effective for the majority of users the very first time it is used. The botanically-based formula by and large will deliver you maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin. Skin will look hydrated, more youthful, with improved appearance of body contouring and cellulite.

What if little or nothing happens? Though most people begin to see benefits after the first application, some may take up to 3-4 applications to achieve optimal results. Those who are on medications and/or who have very toxic systems may have that experience. Everyone's body is different, and if you have small or clogged pores it can disturb your ability to see results with the Ultimate Body Applicator.

If your diet or lifestyle is not healthy, you may also bloat at first because the buildup of toxins is being released. Drinking lots of water will help out with removing these toxins and help you start seeing results. The It Works Regular, Greens, and Vital supplements also can help you achieve better results with the Ultimate Body Applicator because the nutrients they contain will let your body to remove toxins more successfully.

With The Ultimate Body Applicator, results are progressive. With each treatment you will be more happy with your results. Your skin will appear and feel smoother, younger, more toned, and tightened. A once a week application is encouraged for continuous, progressive results and for ongoing maintenance. The more persistent and fervent you are in applying the Ultimate Applicators the better the results!

How It Works

Many people are a bit skeptical and understandably so. That is why it's vital to know the "science" behind The Ultimate Applicator and precisely how it works.

The ingredients promote Lipolysis. This literally means "fat-breaking". The plant extracts and botanicals in our wraps enter the fat cell and slice up the large fat molecules into little ones, helping them to leave the cell. They are then burned up as energy somewhere else in the body, which is one reason why we want you to be well hydrated with water while you are using the applicators. This will help circulate those little fat molecules that are being released. This is HUGE and significant to know because the applicators (Body Wraps) are literally boosting FAT LOSS during this process!

The ingredients even release toxins from fat cells. A big function of fat cells is to store toxins, so if we can release toxins, then we can achieve a shrinking of the fat cells. The ingredients improve the micro circulation of the area that the wrap is applied to. This is what produces some of that tightening, firming and toning effect.

Fat tissue calls for a great deal of blood vessels and such; if we can enhance the micro circulation then we are able to improve the overall health of the area. The wraps have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Fat tissue is very inflamed because of all the toxins and such. Again, we get tightening, firming and toning because we've increased the overall health of the area the wrap is applied and thus reduce the inflammation of the skin.

Basically, the ingredients in The Ultimate Applicator promote Lipolysis, they detoxify the cell, they improve micro circulation, and they reduce inflammation...side effects are typically inches lost. It Works!

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