Charlotte-Garage Door Repairs Are Something Anyone Can Do

Posted by The Popular News Today on Sunday, May 15, 2011

By Yami Tired

With the current state of the real estate market, many homeowners are staying in their homes rather than selling and many are looking for ways to make improvements that make their homes look and function better. Many are looking to do improvement projects themselves rather than hiring contractors to do large-scale building or renovations. One project that looks big, but often is less complicated than first appearances is garage door repair. All over Charlotte Garage Door Repair is the home improvement project everyone wants to do.

The garage door dominates the front or side view of most houses built in recent years. The single car garages of the past have given way to two-car garages. Many designs use the garage door as a focal point for the entire building and add doors that are decorative and functional. A bent or damaged garage door can be an unsightly wart on the face of a home. Doors that can not close or do not close correctly can make an otherwise well kept home appear less so.

Simple fixes can alleviate the bothersome creaking or incomplete closing. A ten-minute task is all it takes to get a door to close which keeps unwanted visitors out and your belongings in and screened from view.

Work may be need to the hardware or to the door panels. This is not the same as work needed to the actual workings of the device that automatically opens the door. A garage door does not require an automatic opener to function, though having one takes the hard work out of raising a door by hand.

Springs provide the heft required to raise and lower the weight of the garage door panels. Repairs to this component go deeper than cosmetic repairs. Because the springs are compressed, they release the energy stored in the springs with great force. This can cause accidents with serious consequences. Most companies that install garage doors employ trained professionals who can safely perform repairs. Hiring a professional is the safest course of action for most do-it-yourself-ers.

Cosmetic repairs like removing dents or pressure washing to remove dirt when performed using reasonable caution have much less potential for disaster. Specifics of how to accomplish these tasks will vary depending on the material from which your doors are constructed. Check with the staff of the home improvement store for tips. Some stores offer classes that go into more in depth explanations and how-to tips.

Do not overlook the simple tasks that generate great satisfaction. Maintenance projects, while not glamorous can lengthen the service life of your doors.

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