Revealed 8 Tips To Finally Stop Toddler Shopping Tantrums

Posted by The Popular News Today on Friday, June 17, 2011

By Sandi Brown

It is all too common to see toddler tantrums and shopping trips happening at the same time. Parents of toddlers are often stressed at the very thought of taking their toddler shopping with them. You may be surprised to discover it doesn't have to be that way. You can have tantrum free shopping and here are 8 tips to help your dream come true.

1. Toddlers who are hungry, tired or simply unwell don't make good shopping companions. Plan to go shopping when your toddler is well rested, not hungry or sick. Don't make the mistake of waking them up just to get your shopping done because you are ready to go. Wait until they are ready.

2. Plan to go shopping on the least busy days and times. Find out the quietest shopping times and go then. You will have less queue waiting time and car parking will be easier.

3. Write yourself a shopping list. When you know what you want to buy it shortens the shopping time and you don't have to concentrate on trying to think what you need. If you know your supermarket well, you can even have your shopping list in the same order as the aisles you will go around. You'll enjoy the added bonus of spending less too.

4. Try and involve toddlers in the shopping. Let them chose some suitable items. Make it a game for them to look for things on the shelves. If they are big enough let them pick up some things and put them in the trolley.

5. The more you interact with them the happier they will be. Talk and ask lots of questions. Have some fun. Laugh, play touch and hug them. Look for and talk about colors, sizes and shapes. Not only will you be teaching them some important concepts but they will be having some fun at the same time.

6. If you have a very active toddler that hates being confined take another adult with you. Grandmas are great for this. They can take the toddler for a walk and give them some special attention which all little ones love.

7. Don't start the bad habit of letting toddlers eat in shops. Once you start it becomes a toddler tantrum zone when they see something they want. If you do buy them anything teach them they can't open it in the shop but have to hold it and give it to the checkout operator. They enjoy the feeling of anticipation and feeling "grown up". Learning to wait is a valuable lesson for them to learn.

8. Getting the shopping packed away in the car is often another tantrum trigger time. Toddlers may be getting tired by then so you need to be ready for this. Ideally if you have another adult with you they can distract the toddler. If not, it's a good time to open up a healthy snack or drink for them. Having some toys and books kept only for use in the car is another good distraction while you get the shopping packed away.

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