HPV Genital Warts In Women: Symptoms, Treatment and Its Effects on Pregnancy

Posted by The Popular News Today on Monday, October 3, 2011

By Davey Golinson

Looking down there at those tiny white spots that appeared over night you may wonder what do genital warts look like. Would you die out of cancer or AIDS first, or could you get off with your penis falling off gracefully? In this two-parted article I'll describe the common signs and symptoms associated with genital warts and hopefully clear up some of the common misconceptions associated with condyloma disease.

2 types of HPV- Cervical cancer ranks second in deaths from cancer among women in developing countries and kills nearly 4000 women in the United States annually. Several types of HPV statistically have been often causing cervical cancer and asymptomatic genital warts. Those causing cervical cancer are considered high-risk types and those causing genital warts are considered low-risk types. So if you have asymptomatic genital warts type of HPV then it can be you are lucky not having other type.

What do early symptoms of HPV genital warts in women look like? Even when you know what genital warts look like it's not easy to identify them. Genital wart signs differ from person to person, and especially at the beginning, they may be similar to other skin conditions. What early symptoms of genital warts look like depends on the sexes as well. The female body is more prone to hide genital wart signs for long after infection. Even when warts appear, they tend to be smaller, more sporadic and more resistant to treatment.

Even if the warts are completely treated, the most important thing to remember is that the virus that caused it remains in the body. There is no cure for the virus and the infected person may unknowingly pass the virus through unprotected contact. Using condom during intimate moments could help reduce the risk of infection. However, since condoms do not cover all the genital area, it does not provide complete protection. Vaccines to protect against genital warts are available in the market. These are only effective if given before exposure to the virus.

Suffer from asymptomatic HPV genital warts in women? - Get treated fast! As long as you can kill HPV (there is no cure created yet) unless you prevent it, it can be a bit of a problem. If you are infected with asymptomatic genital warts you can be treated. I mean you can get rid of genital warts but unfortunately HPV stays in your body. But good news is : if you use the right medicine, you minimize the chance of genital warts return back to you.

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