What You Have To Know About Cirugia Estetica

Posted by The Popular News Today on Wednesday, June 27, 2012

By Alonza Martinlerr

Cirugia estetica or aesthetic surgery is a surgical specialty which is performed to enhance an otherwise normal physical feature in order to improve its appearance. Some of the more popular aesthetic surgical procedures include cheek, lip, breast, and butt augmentation; nose job; fat reduction through liposuction; creation of double eyelids for Asian patients; brow or cheek lift to give a much younger appearance.

Although often used to mean cosmetic surgery, many plastic surgery procedures are non-cosmetic. The other type of plastic surgery is called reconstructive surgery and as the name suggests involves reconstruction of certain physical features that have functional impairments due to burn and traumatic injuries, defects that are already present at birth such as cleft lip, and malignancies. Even though the main intent of reconstructive surgery is to bring back an anatomical structure to near normal function, it can also be done to approximate a normal appearance, as in the case of breast reconstruction after it or a part of it is surgically removed. Reconstructive surgery also includes scar repair and creating a new outer ear when one is congenitally absent.

People undergo plastic surgery for various reasons. Younger people tend to view this type of procedures as a way to fit in and look acceptable to friends and peers. Adults in contrast look at it as a way to be different. Some individuals opt for plastic surgery because a physical defect gives them pain, discomfort, or inconvenience. Breast reduction procedures, for example, can help women who constantly complain of back pain due to the size of their breasts. Some people do it to feel more confident about themselves.

If you are considering cirugia plastica, discuss it with your family as well as your doctor. Try to learn as much as you can about the procedure so you can make an informed choice. After the procedure, pain and swelling are to be expected, as is bruising, although all of these can be managed adequately. As with any surgery, risks are not totally removed.

For example, not all surgeries turn out as you or the surgeon initially planned. You will have higher likelihood of getting your desired outcomes from an experienced doctor. Another thing you should consider is the cost. In many cases, you will have to pay for cosmetic procedures out of your pocket.

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