Why A Few People Experience Wrinkled Fingers Even Though They've Not Been Inside a Bath

Posted by The Popular News Today on Wednesday, July 18, 2012

By Kalpana Rajagopalan

Most of us have had wrinkled fingertips, specifically while in and immediately after a bath. You can even have noticed that this doesn't normally occur after you shower, which has often baffled people. Of course there's a simple reason for this though. Each time you're inside the bath, both your hands are generally immersed in the water, during which time a little bit of water is actually absorbed into the upper layers of your skin. This in turn causes the skin to swell, and that's when you witness the wrinkles.

Now, we can easily go farther into this and even talk about the reason why you end up getting wrinkled fingers in the bath, although the remainder of your body is always wrinkle free, nevertheless in this post we're a lot more concerned with wrinkled fingertips which are not the result of bathing or perhaps swimming. So, why are numerous people's fingertips often wrinkled, even when their hands have actually been nowhere near water?

I really wish I could provide you with a definitive answer to this particular question, but I'm afraid not even skin doctors are 100% certain why this happens to some people. There is a lot of speculation nevertheless, just like there are lots of theories. For example, many people say that they only end up with wrinkled fingertips in the course of cold weather periods, which experts claim suggests that it may have something to do with the manner in which a person's skin reacts to outside temperatures.

It has additionally been noted that folks who are suffering from hypothyroidism are susceptible to having puckered or wrinkled fingertips. The overall consensus here is that an under active thyroid has a tendency to lower one's metabolism, and a lowered rate of metabolism on the other hand causes a marginally lower core temperature. When the body is cold, your blood vessels along the surface of the skin end up being restricted because the body attempts to conserve warmth, and that can then, in principle, cause wrinkles to occur.

One particular characteristic that appears to be prevalent amongst individuals with wrinkled fingertips is that many of these people are prone to extremely dry hands, or at least, the skin on their fingers and hands is for the most part unusually dry. This has additionally led many people to think keratin deficiency may be responsible, or otherwise partially to blame for puckered fingertips.

Under ordinary circumstances, you will find exceptionally large quantities of keratin present in the skin on a person's fingertips. This naturally occurring protein is very important with regard to skin health, partly because it induces the creation of collagen, which in turn is responsible for the strength of skin. Besides being essential for skin, keratin willingly soaks up water, so when there isn't enough keratin found in the skin, the outcome is actually dried-out skin.

Despite the fact that wrinkled fingertips could well be the effect of one or more underlying health conditions, plenty of people who go through this weird phenomenon are finding relief by means of using a suitable hand cream, nonetheless one does need to remember that lots of general hand balms can also help make the condition substantially worse on account of specific things which might be present in the actual balms. As a general rule of thumb, it is best to avoid using any kind of lotions made up of petroleum based compounds, and if possible, perfumed lotions also needs to be avoided because so many of the fragrances used in cosmetic makeup products happen to be notably hard on skin.

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