What is P90X Workout Schedule

Posted by The Popular News Today on Wednesday, August 15, 2012

By Hamish McIntyre

When fitness guru, Tony Horton introduced the P90X exercise regimen to the workout enthusiasts he brought home exercising to a whole new level.

It is a 90 day workout program compiled to make home workouts easier. The program consists of 12 DVD's and a nutrition plan. The DVD's give you the routines for combining different exercises for each day, while the recommended nutrition plan is one that is unique to your body and energy levels.

What makes this program different from others? The P90X workout program has some unique features that make it stand out from other physical workout systems:

Better Results with Muscle Confusion: Another very important aspect of this program is the avoidance of the dreaded workout plateau that most people get stuck at. They find that in spite of intense exercising their body refuses to progress beyond a point. That is not the case while doing the P90X workout. It has been designed to specifically address this roadblock that many fitness aspirants face.

Exercises done at different intensity levels form an important part of the workout schedule. This 'deviation from the norm' allows the program to give the maximum benefit leading to better endurance, enhanced physical fitness and the much desired weight loss.

Combining various types of fitness routines and exercises - from strength training and cardio to stretching and yoga- for varied intervals allows the body to experience something called 'muscle confusion,' thereby avoiding the dreaded 'glass ceiling' of physical fitness.

How does it actually work? The reasoning behind 'muscle confusion' is that movements of same intensity and duration can lead to muscle resistance where the body adapts to the exercises; it then stops making any progress in spite of the intensity of the workouts. It has been shown that varying the intensity (and duration) of the workouts can help avoid this fitness roadblock.

Basic Tools - No Gym Equipment: One positive characteristic of this workout system is that it does not require high tech, expensive gym equipment. The program, instead, allows you to use simple, basic workout tools like dumbbells and resistance bands for your workouts

It is only when a person wants to focus on upper body workouts that additional equipment like a chin up bar and push up stands will be required. In most cases, however, quality resistance bands are good enough to begin and you can then add other exercise equipment as you work your way up.

Focused Nutrition Plan: As with any workout regimen, nutrition plays an important role. Even the most intense workout, if combined with poor nutrition, will not give the desired results.

To deliver maximum benefit, Tony Horton and the experts at Beachbody - a BBB 'A' rated company, have integrated a nutrition plan that amplifies the effectiveness of the PX90 workouts. The theory is that as the body progresses towards fitness, it requires a different approach to nutrition.

They have therefore divided the P90X nutrition plan into 3 levels, based on weight and energy output. They recommend that each person should adopt a nutrition plan according to his level of fitness and stick with it until his fitness / weight levels change.

The first phase begins with a low carb eating plan, and then with each subsequent level the carbohydrate content is increased. Higher levels of carbohydrates are added to meet the body's increasing demand for additional energy.

This combination of modified exercises and focused nutrition system provides a powerful method of workout that shows immediate results.

Some people wonder if this workout will suit their requirements. It can be said that while the P90X workout system may seem extreme it does offer the flexibility for both type of exercisers-the novice as well as an experienced fitness freak.

The program consists of 3 levels of workout in each 30 day phase. Most people prefer to start off with the easier exercises in the level they choose and intensify their workouts as they become increasingly fitter. They find that this strategy not only helps them avoid any burnout, but also gives them the motivation to complete the entire 90 day program.

For anyone looking for a workout program that is both flexible and result oriented, the P90X program is the one to be considered. The results show that this home based exercise system works. Most people are pleasantly surprised to find that the PX90 is a program that not only makes it easy for beginners to achieve their fitness goals, but even gives demanding athletes a workout that goes the extra mile!

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