Natural Fitness Tips for the Everyday Person

Posted by The Popular News Today on Thursday, February 2, 2012

By Nicole Wade

Your diet should be balanced. Not only do we need foods from all food groups, but we need balance within each group. For example: although meat contains all essential amino acids in right balance, Americans tend to eat too much animal protein. This leads to too much acidity, and has been linked to higher cancer rates and poor colon and cardiovascular health. It is best to limit meat consumption to twice a week, eating only low fat types. Instead of relying on meat for protein, it is better to balance the amino acids that make up protein by combining grains with legumes. Some examples are: brown rice with black or kidney beans; quinoa with tofu; whole grain pasta with lima beans; whole grain bread with natural (non-hydrogenated) peanut butter.

Keep reading the rest of the tips below. Whether you want to brush up on your common health knowledge or you need to determine if the topic of low glycemic index diet is worth your time, you are positive to find the knowledge here to be beneficial. After reading this postarticle, you just may be shocked by how much you find out. Healthy body may not be as laborious to come by as you imagine.

While the idea of a workout fills many with dread, there are plenty of ways to stay fit without it feeling like hard work. If you struggle to get motivated for an organized exercise session, try turning a night out into a workout instead. Hitting the floor for a dance is a great way to get fit, burn calories and tone and strengthen the body. More importantly, unlike with the gym, it provides a fun workout that won't feel like exercise.

Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in a whole host of diseases from cancer, to bone disease, to susceptibility to infections like the flu. Although the recommended daily intake was raised from 200 to 600 IUs (800 IUs for those 71 and over) per day, most nutritional medicine experts say it's not nearly enough. Get you vitamin D blood level tested soon. You can have your doctor order it, or you can order a test kit on-line.

Even if you enjoy your own company it's not healthy to be alone all of the time. We were not meant to be alone so be sure to stay in touch with old friends and meet new people that will hopefully become new friends. Again there are a number of ways to do this and sometimes you have to put yourself out of your comfort zone a bit. A great place to meet new people is at your local community/senior center. Joining classes or groups for activities, volunteering and other things that get you off the couch could put you in touch with a new friend.

Meditation is an art which forms a vital step towards top 10 health tips. While performing this, close off the light in your room and shut the door. Make an environment to perform this exercise. It requires complete peace and concentration on your part. This is extremely essential for the stressful mind and body. It helps you get rid of your tensions and worries and make you feel relaxed and vibrant. Performing it for 15 minutes 2- 3 times a day can give useful results.

Vigorous work-outs - when you're breathing hard and sweating - help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel best. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging, or dancing. Follow-up with activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool-down with more stretching and deep breathing.

You've probably heard it before but you'll hear it again - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You've just spend a significant amount of time sleeping - the longest time between meals you ever go in a 24 hour period. Your body is in starvation mode and you need to eat to get things working properly again - and to avoid fat storage later on. Besides, you'll need that fuel to get your kids and spouse out the door before you start your day.

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