Designer Wedding Dresses aren't made for Charity

Posted by The Popular News Today on Friday, May 18, 2012

By Brent Neenan

The intrusive winter weather was finally broken by the beginning of springtime. Leaving my house for the first time in what seemed like months I saw that the back yard was a complete mess. With broken deck chairs and cracked plant pots strewn about it was obviously time for spring cleaning. Heading back inside I suddenly started noticing all the dust collecting on TV tops and untouched coffee tables. In a closet chaotically hung random suits jackets and unworn clothes alongside a designer wedding dress sat untouched, ready to be disposed of. It would be hard work but the end result would be well worth the effort.

Under most circumstances I like to avoid doing things such as this until I absolutely must have it done and the chimes of necessity were chiming. When I have the extra money I'll pay my friends to do the job for me. It's my preference to part with some extra cash over being on my hands and knees scrubbing bathroom tiles but to my dismay I could convince no one to become involved in my endeavors. It was something I would have to do myself.

Beginning with the bathroom I scrubbed it to an immaculate state. To defend myself however; it isn't like I don't do regular wash downs of the sink after shaving or throw the mat at the base of the tub in the wash. It's simply that as I enter springtime cleaning mode I have a way of going all out until the job is done 100%.

After the bathroom it was time to attack the closet. What's funny about that closet though is it seems every year I'll go through it and every year it'll be full again by the time spring is upon; me. Searching through every last piece of clothing I paused to take a gander at the designer wedding dress that you can see for yourself by clicking here. I didn't know where it originated but the quality and design was so beautifully conceived that I saw it a waste to let it sit in the back of my closest. I made the decision to take everything down to the church and put it up for charity.

A few days later after completing the cleansing of the house in its entirety I invited a few guests over for midday noshes and a glass of wine; one of whom happened to be my mother. During the brunch she happened to peer into the closet to see the wedding dress was no longer there and freaked out! It was her prized wedding dress I had given away to charity! Oh the mistake I had made; I literally went back to where I dropped the clothing off in an attempt to retrieve it but the dress had already been seized by someone else. So much for doing a good job spring cleaning; I essentially threw away a family heirloom of a dress.

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