Once Upon A Time There Was A Debt Collection Service

Posted by The Popular News Today on Sunday, May 27, 2012

By Dutch Kiesecker

There once was a scary monster that ruled the world. Everyone was fearful of this monster and would attempt to hide under their beds. Hiding won't save them, running away won't save them; there is only one thing that will help you conquer this "big, bad monster". Who or what is this monster you ask? Debt collection service is the monster that will haunt your dreams.

There really isn't a need to be frightened of them. If you break it down, this monster is completely misunderstood. They are just a company, filled with kind people who make phone calls. They won't eat you through the phone, I promise. I don't have to break this promise because it is impossible to eat something through a phone.

Considered yourself educated of what this "monster" is made of. Your unrealistic fears and trying to take cover under your bed should soon be subsiding. They won't be banging down your door, dragging you out by your legs yelling and screaming for their money. All they do is make a phone call, don't fall victim of being afraid of a simple phone call. The reason you are so afraid of these calls is because of silly commercials. Ever see the one with the girl who being just so dramatic that she unplugged her phone to make the calls stop. She is just so smart. That was sarcasm, don't unhook the phone and avoid solving your problems.

So here is the solution, are you ready? You'll never believe it! The answer to all of your problems is to (drum roll please) spend responsibly! You can buy things, but make sure you actually have the money to pay for it when that bill comes. It's great that you have a credit card and are establishing credit, until you go spending crazy! Once you go on a spending binge without the money to back you up, expect a call from a debt collection service.

Well, that's the story. Collection agencies aren't scary monsters who are out to get you, you are. I'm not calling you the big bad wolf, I'm saying you're a spending monster. Don't worry though, just heed my wise words and spend only what you can afford.

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