The Evolution of Fashion: The Fascinating Story and Customs of Signet Rings

Posted by The Popular News Today on Tuesday, January 17, 2012

By Suzanne Kahn

The signet ring is defined by the dictionary as a ring with letters or a design carved on it. To completely understand the signet ring we have to understand what a seal is. Popular dictionaries describe seal as a figure impressed in wax, clay, or some other medium, or embossed on paper, with the purpose of authenticating a document. The word signet has its origins in latin word signum meaning sign. The system of wearing rings and using them as a seal has come primarily from Europe where these are made either in gems or in metal. Typically these were in gem stones.

Current jewelry trends are being affected by the costs of materials, particularly that of gold. Silver has made a big comeback into the fashion scene as has vintage jewelry - long forgotten and left untouched in second hand shops. Young couples are now scouring these businesses looking for old pieces that now look trendy, quirky, or simply different. Considering they can be purchased for far less than new pieces, you can see why they are becoming popular. Jewelry, as ever, is continually changing yet, from a distance, will always look traditional.

Signet rings are rings worn by individuals bearing an initial, monogram, or other image to denote the identity and, long ago, the social or noble status of the wearer. The signet ring's original purposes of indicating rank and imprinting seals on important letters are no longer concerns in the modern western world, but the beauty of signet rings and their interesting background have kept them alive as stylish fashion accessories for men and women.

When it comes to fashion conscious individuals, platinum is once again rising to top. Diamonds always have, and always will be, the precious stone when it comes to fashion. Where trends are changing is in the settings of these stones. Rather than sticking to traditional settings, people are looking to be different and are trying to find quirky settings that are unique and that suit their personalities. Traditional forms of jewelry such as broaches and bracelets are still out of favor with our youth. Young girls are still somewhat enamored with charm bracelets but that soon wanes by their mid teens.

Signet rings have a long and illustrious history and figure prominently in a great deal of well known artwork and literature. The signet ring's original purposes of indicating rank and imprinting seals on important letters are no longer concerns in the modern western world, but the beauty of signet rings and their interesting background have kept them alive as stylish fashion accessories for men and women.

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